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Action Teams

Concerned about what is happening in our nation, state, county, and cities? Now is the time for all good men (and women) to come to the aid of their country! If you want to have an affect on policies, legislation, and laws, join one of our Action Teams. Each team is working on a specific area of concern. Action plans are underway and you can help with contacting elected officials (in-person visits, phone calls, emails, letters), voter outreach, marches, and coordinating activities with other concerned groups. Tools, strategies, and support will be provided for any undertaking your team decides to do. But making changes happen means we need your help! 


Our current teams and leaders are:
Education - TBD - Are you interested?
Social Security and Medical Benefits - Angel Garrett and Paula Mac Dougall
Immigration - Sandra Hall
LGBTQ+ - Lida Simpson
Reproductive Health - Lexi Buck
Veterans' Issues - Larry "Sarge" Dickenson
Voting Rights - Justin Royal


Fill out the signup form and we will connect you with the Team Leader. They can fill you in on what actions are being taken and find out where you can best help. 
Choose one or more teams. If you have an area of concern not listed above, please let us know so we can address it also. HELP TAKE BACK OUR DEMOCRACY!

Select one or more teams

Thanks for submitting!

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